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        主頁 課程列表 機構(gòu)簡介
        更新時間:2022-03-23 15:12:28

        高管財務-Finance for Non-financial Executive

        授課機構(gòu) 上海高頓財經(jīng)教育
        上課地點 上海松江大學城文匯路1期678弄|詳細地圖
        成交/評價 5.0分
        聯(lián)系電話 400-888-4856


        Overview   EVA, LIFO, FIFO, do these professional terms of accounting and finance still seem like a foreign language to you? Can you eliminate the mystery behind the numbers of the financial statements? Or, how would you utilize those financial concepts to become a greater asset to your company?
          As a business executive, you experience the tide of global change in ways few others do. And you know that to manage this tide, which will only intensify in the years ahead, you need a foundation that is at once timeless and flexible. Higher position means greater responsibility where understanding and talking the language of finance becomes a significant part of the job, executives at all levels need to be adequately equipped.
          Finance and Accounting for the Non-Financial Manager teaches the basics of financial reports, as well as the fundamentals of business valuation and the creation of shareholder value. The course begins by describing the accounting process and the creation of financial statement, meanwhile, reveals the company’s operation and finance truth behind the data. Once knowing how to read financial statements will be invaluable throughout your career, in analyzing business opportunities, assessing financial risks, communicating your ideas to others, and dealing with the real business situations.


        • Breakthrough the language of finance

        • Understanding the basic accounting model and its limitations

        • Analyzing and interpreting financial statements within the context of industry analysis and macroeconomic fundamentals

        • Mastering forecasting techniques

        • Providing rigorous tools and approaches to measure the executives of your expenditures

        • Clarifying financial statements and their relationship to strategic decisions

        • Communicating more executively with financial managers and accountants

        • Understanding different valuation techniques and respective benchmarks


        • Non-financial Managers

        • Non-financial Executives
